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Nitrate Notification Page 


The State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB) continues to have us notify customers. You will see this in your upcoming statement. 

Well #6 and the TID Yard (our blend site one mile downstream of the wells and one mile before it enters the distribution system) have stayed below the MCL of 10 mg/L, meaning at these two locations, nitrate levels have been in full compliance for the past month. Well #7 is within compliance on about half of the sample dates and out of compliance on the others. Samples pulled from the four corners of town on May 30th all came back below the limit, which shows that the nitrate issue is currently being blended to acceptable levels before it reaches any customers.

The State Water Resources Control Board—Department of Drinking Water continues to get updates from HCWD. To date, no formal violation or directive has been issued. We remain in close contact with them. 

HCWD continues to believe the overall exposure level to nitrates remains very low. There should be concern if you are pregnant or nursing or have a child younger than six months. The risk level is minimal for all others, given the sample results we are seeing at and downstream from our TID Yard, which is the last sample location before the water hits our distribution system.

As mentioned earlier, all recent samples within the distribution system boundary (within town) have been below the 10ppm maximum contaminant limit.

Please continue to check back here for the most up-to-date information.

Well 6 (mg/L)Well 7 (mg/L) TID Yard (Blend Point)

* - A sample was not pulled at this location on this day due to maintenance.

** - These samples were pulled, however results are not yet available from the laboratory. This usually happens when other contituents are sampled at the same time. We will update the chart as soon as they come through.


Notice - Nitrate Violation (6th follow up) May 2024.pdfNotice - Nitrate Violation (6th follow up) May 2024 SPANISH.pdf