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About Hilmar County Water District

The Hilmar County Water District (District) was established in 1965 under Division 12 of the Water Code of the State of California for the purpose of providing potable water to the residents of the Hilmar community. The District also provides wastewater collection and treatment for the community.

The District’s financial and administrative functions are governed by five member Board of Directors elected by the voting population within the District boundaries.

The District’s daily operations are carried out by a staff of six employees to serve the needs of the District’s 5000 residents. District employees in charge of water treatment, water distribution, and wastewater operations are certified by the State of California.

The District’s office is located at 8319 Lander Avenue, Hilmar, California, 95324

Regular Board meetings are held on the first Tuesday of each month at 5:30 P.M. at the District Office. If the date falls on a holiday, then the meeting date will be determined and posted two weeks prior.